Tanjiro Kamado, the star of the record-breaking hit TV Anime Demon Slayer has been transformed into a plastic model using Bandai Hobby's technology! The parts division is simple and Tanjiro's unique haori jacket and expression are recreated using detailed shapes. This product is made so that even users picking up plastic models for the first time can put it together enjoyably.
Product Specifications
- Ages 14 and above
- A non-moving model with a dynamic pose that holds a sun sword with an overall height of about 4.72 inches
- Face parts by "insert molding" unique to BANDAI Hobby Center are included; Includes "Painted Haori" parts with color reproduction
- Accessories: Sun sword x1, Seal x1, Instruction manual x1
- Length : 2.5 cm
- Width : 10.2 cm
- Height : 13.5 cm